Business owner building homes, multi-family, commercial and self storage for 35 years.
Broker in Indianapolis since 2007, finally dipping my toes into the investment world, US Army veteran, love nearly everything about real it's time to use my expertise to create passive income, grow my retirement, and pay for my kid's college. Super pumped!
Executive Vice President of Commercial Loan Express, California Premier Private Lender. I have worked in the Mortgage Industry since 1983 and with Private Money since 1990. Our niche is 75% LTV and fast courteous service. Our mission is to build relationships with brokers, borrowers and investors. In addition to our lending platform, we...
Real estate agents and investors don't have time to worry about administrative or technical issues with their business when there are deals to close. That's why I'm here. I help businesses streamline their operations by implementing technology (apps, systems, and platforms) and providing back-office support to help clients improve efficiency,...
I am a wife, stay-at-home-homeschooling-mother of five, veteran, and new to realestate investing and property management. I graduated from Old Dominion University here in Hampton Roads (Go Monarchs!), and am always up for expanding my education and gaining knowledge about REI. So very appreciative of the Bigger Pockets community!