19 real estate agent and investor. Looking to connect with like minded individuals with passion for creating opportunities with RE.
I own rental properties in Delaware and now starting to invest in North Carolina.
I am a real estate investor and property manager in the Twin Cities, MN market. I am always looking for deals. Please feel free to message me if you have something.
Started buying Single family homes as buy and holds in June of 2008. All of them cash flowing of-course. Started a property management company to take...
(2023) I'm a film director and tour photographer that also produces events and tour manages. I'm not completely new to studying the real estate world but am working on acquiring my first property this spring. Looking forward to the journey and hopefully, one day helping new investors coming into the space.
Im a disabled vet that was medically discharged back in 2009 years ago. I started my career in Real Estate about 5 year and loving the ride. Moved to the PNW about 3 years ago and ever since I arrived, I wondered why I haven't come out here sooner.
Im currently writing a couple books on investing an hoping to have them published here...