I migrated to Houston, TX back in 2012. I'm a US Marine Veteran, and former Special Agent (with a few jobs in between). I also have a BS degree in Finance along with an MBA.
It's now 2022 and I have rarely checked this site. It's a great site, but sorry for all those email messages I got 2, 3, 6 yrs ago ;) I did finally reply to...
In May of 2019 we opened GS Courtyard Homes, a modular/manufactured home dealership. Since then, we have been building homes all over Southern Indiana. We build pre-fab single-family homes, pre-fab duplexes/communities, and are working to track build manufactured home communities. Our company is investing and is seeking to take on more...
Host of the Chicago Multifamily Club. We host an in-person meetup every 3'rd Monday of the month.
Find us on FACEBOOK and MEETUP.COM!!
Contractor / Broker / Investor / Syndicator / Property Manager / Real Estate Accountant
Please feel free to reach out!
Norwegian Investor and CEO of Formue Forum AS, a real estate meet-up platform in Norway. I have experience investing in Norway and USA and am familiar with long term rentals, vacation rentals and renovation.
I’ve come to think of myself as a WILDFIRE.... I’m usually on the wild side of everything..... full of wild ideas, wild adventures, wild results & fueled with a relentless FIRE for F.I.R.E.
I started with house-hacking before I knew that was a ‘strategy’. I built a brand new home in 2010 and immediately rented out my two spare...
I "retired" from my job as a Mechanical Engineer in July of 2019 when our son was born to pursue my dreams of REI and be home to raise him.
Current units: 1 STR, 2 MHPs and 6 duplexes
*Guest on BP Real Estate Pod Episode 505*