I am a Virtual Assistant that help investors find funding for their real estate investments through private lenders. I have many years dealing with government loans such as VA, FHA, & USDA. I am always seeking to work with real estate agents from different states to send clients their way, and in return they will send me clients as well....
Currently own rental properties in Hawaii and am trying to figure out how to make either commercial or short term rentals work in Santa Fe, NM. So far, I can get the numbers to work in Hawaii but not Santa Fe.
I've been a landlord for 20 years. I currently hold just a few units and have shifted to note investing. I primarily invest in delinquent debt across the country.
Professionally, I have fifteen years experience as a medical sales rep with large corporations. Personally, life long equestrian with interest in exercise, arts, and wine. I have lived in six states and sold homes/horse farms by owner in four of the six.
My husband, Ken, and I have been real estate investors for almost twenty years. We have connections in the mortgage secured note world.
Currently work in Finance, looking to get involved in Real Estate on the side.