Full time techie and part time investor. Mostly investing into small multi space except a Airbnb. Built good systems and trying to explore commercial space rn.
Born in Washington D.C. with extended family living in Chicago, IL. I've grown up in the Evansville, Indiana area for a majority of my life, minus college, which was completed at Ball State University in Muncie, IN. Set up home base in Evansville and love working with investments on a daily basis.
I have been in real estate rental properties since 1997 when we moved to Washington from California and rented out our CA house for many years. Throughout the years, our equity skyrocketed so we refinanced and bought five Seattle 4-plexes over 3 years starting 2005. We went through the crash and survived. In 2014 we sold all of our...
I took a huge career change a couple years ago . I have an RN license , hold a BSN and 7 years in healthcare. I decided to try something different in hoped to gain more time and freedom to do the things I really love to do.
I was born to do real estate. Both of my grandfathers were contractors and investors. My father was a plumber and an investor. My first job as a young boy was pulling the trash and sweeping and moping the hallways of a 22 unit building my father and grandfather owned together. I love people and I get great satisfaction in watching a project...
Specializes in Information Technology. Asset Management of Real Estate caught my attention the past five years and have been pretty good at it in Markets like Singapore and India.