Hello, my name is Vince and I am looking forward to a career in real estate. I am currently an agent(as of August 29, 2008 when i pass the exam) but would like to learn more about the investment portion of real estate. My friends got me onto this site and I love it!
Part-Time real estate investor holding small multi-family buildings in Upstate NY.
I have a real estate wholesaling in Northern Ca., primarily the San Joaquin Valley and Sacramento. i am also a partner in a land and real estate acquistion group in the Bay area.
i'm an australian looking to invest in the States. I have good credit history and a large deposit. I have full time employment as an account manager for a telecommunications company. I'm finding that none of the mainstream banks will touch me with a barge pole. I want to buy a few high yielding properties with a view to hanging on to them...
- Entrepreneur & Connector
- Real Estate
Adam Komoroski is a marketing guy’s marketing guy, with a lifelong passion and interest in marketing and entrepreneurship— a skill and (perhaps obsession) that dovetailed nicely when he seen the huge opportunity to work with other businesses leveraging...
I am from Barcelona, Spain. There I studied Art History. I came to NYC to study English and when I finished I pursued a Masters Program in Urban Studies.
When I graduated I founded ClikProperties LLC, a real estate investment company, with Jeffrey Rosales (he is from L.A).
Our company, based in NYC, is focused on wholesaling,...
I have been born into real estate of being that my father is a master carpenter and his father was a carpenter. I have been thrust into the wonderful world of rehabbing for better or worse. From the age of 12 I have been a helper to all sorts of construction projects. Which has built my knowledge base and overall resolve when it comes to...