I began as a nurse. Then a licensed agent. Now i only work for myself. My houses, my schedule, my life, my rules. This is how I believe it should be.
I am an investor and licensed real estate agent, as well as a native of San Antonio, TX and graduate of UTSA with a degree in Economics. Real estate is the vehicle through which I'm building assets and cashflow, which will ultimately allow me to live my wildest dreams... Got to love it! In addition to real estate, I ❤️ fast cars and constant...
I buy performing and non-performing 2nd liens, individually and in small pools. I also sell partials to other investors with double digit yields and JV on non-performing 2nd liens.
Full-time Engineer for 10 years until 2018. I have purchased and sold 100s of homes and used the profits to purchase120 rentals.
I help investors succeed through automated marketing. Founder of Marketing Solutions for Real Estate Investors - GoForClose - The #1 marketing platform for real estate investors.
Grew up around the chicagoland area mostly chicago heights and northwest indiana to be exact. Recovering NFL fanatic and Automotive Mechanic. Ok so maybe not so much recovered on the automotive side it's still a passion but best left as a hobby.
Went to a trade school in california after getting out of the navy to learn how to do...
I'm a licensed architect aggressively pursuing financial independence through the long term holding of rental properties.
Currently, I'm saving around 65% of my income through a combination of frugal living and simple taste in recreation. All of this money goes towards paying off my student loans and my investments. Keeping the gap...
Hello all! I'm a real estate investor based out Austin TX. My partner and I are managing members of Big Moment Capital, a real estate investment copmany focused on appreciating vacation rentals and out of state cash-flowing apartment buildings.
I believe that in order to make the world a better place, you must first work hard to...
Transitioning into Syndications in MF and commercial properties. My goal is to enjoy what I do while providing value to my team and investors.
Real Estate investor. Creating notes. Fix/Flip. Rentals. Small multi units.