Hello, my name is kristof sujballi I'm a working student with a general interest in real estatest my late aunt was a devloper I just hope to learn more about the industry.
Hi, I'm Geoff and looking to expand my knowledge of real estate for investing.
I have been married for 23 years and have 2 sons (18 & 21). I originally got my real estate license in 1986, but did not activate because I decided to stay at my full time job. Now that I have finished homeschooling my sons, I am ready to give real estate a try. Got my license about a year ago.
Active Duty Air Force with some time remaining before fully devoting to my other streams I build in the evenings and weekends. My 2 online ventures deal with partnering with and servicing amazon and blue chip companies. I run a pop up café that supports local events and give a portion of the proceeds to bully breed charities. I currently...
I work in the retail finance industry, and own one investment property already which I rent. I feel quite uneducated however in how to be an effective real estate investor in terms of generating passive income and would like to learn more.