I am just getting started. My intent is to amass a real estate portfolio of 10 million or more, that will provide me and my family with a passive income of $15,000 - 20,000 per month.
Looking to do my first flip. I am a licensed NC real estate broker and I want to get back into investing.
Starting a property management business. Have experience as a mortgage broker, RE investor.
I'm totally new to real estate. I have health issues that are going to seriously limit my ability to work full time so I need to branch out into something that offers me more flexibility and independence.
My husband and I are directors of a non-profit organization that we founded. We have housed indigent individuals for years and help to restore their lives. We did this at the expense of our on expenses and credit. Now we are in need of purchasing our own property so we can live somewhat comfortably and our credit is not as good as it need...