Buy 50MM a year in chemistry and commodities for a large North American Printer.
Looking for possible investor on here.
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• Small investor ($10k) to large investor
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• Call now for details
CALL: 800 – 409 – 3505 or...
A am the managing partner of an international hedge fund with $750M in liquid assets and $550M in real estate assets. We fund real estate development projects and provide real estate bridge loans internationally.
Atlanta's Short Sale Specialist
Moving over-financed properties, negotiating bank discounts, and stopping foreclosures.
Hi Everyone,
My name is Michael Pierre and I am sort of new to investing in Real Estate. I haven't made any purchases as of yet but I have great contacts to sources that have several new list of of notes and properties of all types. Whatever you need as far as Commercial or Residential if I don't have a specific property attached to...
Real Estate Investor and Internet Marketer.
I am currently writing a blog about how I will be debt free by June 1st this year using real estate strategies and online marketing.
After a career in Cemetery/Funeral Home sales, I became interested in estate properties, researched through probate files