Along with two partners, I own one rental property. This property is a tri-plex. We struggle to make ends meet with this property.
I want to move forward with real estate investing but lack the knowledge on how to proceed.
TMI REAL ESTATE, Birmingham, Al. 205-985-1010 Broker of a 50+ Associate Real Estate Firm. TMI is a homes & land sales and property management company.
I personally have been in the real estate business for 39 years.
I am involved in all aspects of real estate. With my years of experience I have learned alot and I'm willing to learn more. I know the changing trends of all technology has changed all aspects of the real estate and property management procedures.
The New York City area is where I was employed for most of my career. My vision for the...
-Subway franchise owner 20 years.
-Buffalo Wild Wings franchise owner 16 years.
-Rent, rent2own, land contract, 40+ Homes in Dayton, Ohio.
-Partner in numerous apartments with Lifestyles Unlimited members.