25 years old music industry professional in Los Angeles. I love to learn and a huge DIY'er. Always up for a new challenge and excited about the idea of becoming a Landloard and having the financial stability it can bring.
Provide property management services. Licensed real estate broker. Have access to a garranty. Rent insurance program, etc...
I'm 27 yrs old, have 4 beautiful daughters and a beautiful girlfriend. I'm from San Antonio, Texas and I've been working in the oil field almost 3 yrs and moved up in position a couple times. I went to prison for 77 months and went in after just turning 17. changed my whole life around and humbled myself. I've always read about everything I...
I am a Landlord with 20 units in the Hagerstown, MD area. Landlording is my full time job.
I've been doing finance and leasing for over 20 years, update my ability info of investment want to be a little stronger before retirement.