Like many others, Rich Dad, Poor Dad sparked my thinking of making my money work for me. The idea of my income not being tied to hours logged at a company is exciting and freeing.
My wife and I live in the Orlando area and are relatively new homeowners here. We're both employed, my wife at Disney and myself doing development at a...
Live/Work/Play RVA
My day job is in affordable housing development where I work with non-profit organizations to build safe, decent, affordable housing options in Richmond, VA.
Simultaneously, I'm building my real estate portfolio and exploring new opportunities. Currently, I own two single family homes; I...
Just getting started in multi-family commercial real estate investing. I want to focus on properties such as apartment complexes and high-rise apartment buildings, generally anything larger than a fourplex. Moved back to Texas six years ago to create a better live for my family, wife and two young boys. With several entrepreneurial...
I'm a commercial real estate broker that personally buys and holds residential property for cashflow.