I am a Certified Apartment Manager that manages a mid-sized business renting mainly duplexes and houses with a total of 62 front doors. I have been in this profession for 13 years. I have also started owning, managing and maintaining my own rental properties.
I'm a public school teacher in NYC. I have seen many people make a fortune buying and selling real estate in my neighborhood or in other areas of NY. Asking them for advice and help was like asking them to give up a family relative on the run!!
I always had an interest in real estate, just not the "education" to learn more about...
My Name is Liam, i am 31 yrs old and am about to buy my first house with my wife. I am looking to learn more about real estate for two reasons, 1) I'm making a big purchase and i generally like to educate my self when I'm spending money. 2) Investment opportunities how can i by property and make the investment work for me.
Lived in King County WA my entire life. Became a real estate agent because I like houses and wanted to help people but hated the job of agent so I wasn't a Realtor for long.
As a long time resident of Northern VA, Kevin has seen the tremendous growth and development of Tysons, Reston, and other parts of NOVA over the past 30 years. He grew up in Great Falls and for the past 5 years has lived in Reston, VA, close to the Reston Town Center.
From a young age, Kevin always had an interest in real estate and...
I live in Worthington. I am new to real estate investing but love the idea of putting my money to work for me.