After almost 20 years in real estate lending and development, we have developed the fastest and finest Escrowed Proof of Funds service in the United States.
Engineer to pay the bills, but looking into real estate investment as a possible career.
My day job is as Outside Sales Rep for a large automotive equipment manufacturer based in St Louis, Mo. I have been married for 19 years now and have three boys 27, 19 and 18 yrs. My family is my life. I have dedicated myself to being able to offer my sons a positive future. With the economy the way it is, I want to sustain my current income...
Serial entrepreneur looking to expand and diversify into real estate investing.
I was born and raised in Lakewood, CA. and have chosen to practice Real Estate in the community I grew up in. I attended Gompers Elementary, Bancroft Junior High School, and Lakewood High School. I hold a Bachelor Degree in Marketing from California State University, Long Beach.
High Tech and Commercial Real Estate
John Garabedian, the founder of Garabedian Realty Advisors (GRA), was the one of the first commercial real estate professionals to deploy the internet as a fully-fledged part of his operation.
Though today everybody has one, back in 1995 most people did not know what an email addresses was....