Zach Hooper 29 years of age. I work out of Boston mass, Local 223, recently invested in our first multi family home as an owner occupied, and looking to invest in more properties in the near future.
My experience with real estate is very low. However, real estate has always been an interest of mine. I was raised it a low-income part of Charlotte, NC but, thanks to the hard work of my father, I was able to attend a top ranked private school through all of my childhood.
This upbringing sparked my curiosity and love of real estate,...
I am a medical professional that is interested in learning more about all aspects of real estate investing. ...
Hello. My name is Chris Salazar, former Editor-in-Chief of The Breeze and Senior Editor of The Chaffey Review. Currently, I have no experience in real estate but my aim is to use it as a means to: graduate without any debt and leverage real estate so that I may pursue my creative and intellectual endeavors as my life unfolds.
I am new to real estate investing, however I have been apart of construction/design for a while now. I am looking forward to being apart of a larger community here on BP.
I'm a personal banker and currently grew interest on real estate investing to become financiallyrics free