"Your one stop shop for working with an experienced agent, commercial lender, investor, and licensed builder. That’s right I can find, fund, and renovate your property with my team of highly skilled and qualified team members. As an agent I have performed hundreds of on/off market deals. I work diligently to get my clients the best terms and...
Currently flipping multi-family homes in New Jersey.
Studied Real Estate for a 2 years before I got my first real deal. It definitely can be difficult when starting with no real capital, but by cultivating relationships and using creativity, you can find a way to add value and make deals happen.
Im new to Real Estate as of November 2016. I want to build wealth and also have the option to retire by the age of 30. 9-5 jobs aren't for me anymore. I WANT TO LIVE!!!!! I want to see the world and see different people. Through real estate I plan to execute all of my short and longterm goals.
I live in San Diego and work full-time as a Medical Dosimetrist.
I currently have 6rental properties. 1 SFH San Diego, 1 SFH Texas and 4 SFH properties in Hammond, IN. Looking to add more properties to my portfolio.
I am in the IT business and before that was in construction. I invested in a home and sold it using seller financing. I set it aside and revisited the account 7 years later and found that my original investment had doubled. This prompted to me to look into real estate as a way to get paid in retirement and to leave a legacy for my kids. I am...
Since 19 years old I've been looking to build a business. Now I've found the perfect vehicle to get me to financial independence. I'm currently a wholesaler marketing to estate properties, MLS expired listings and tax deliquent properties.