At 37 never too late to get started! Tired of being ignored at local "investors events" when asked "how many properties you own"..... am I supposed to say "a whole bunch", when I don't.
I’m a professional plumber
26 years old
Married to Maria Castillo-24 , father of Angelina Castillo-4 and Caroline Castillo -11 mo
-Goal is to create business systems and invest earnings in cash flowing buy and hold sfh
Licensed Realtor working with buyers, sellers and investors in the greater Milwaukee area. Investor and property manager in Riverwest, Eastside, and Bay View.
New to real estate investing outside of our current home. Looking for a 20 unit property in the Midwest with our partner to get started in this new world.
I currently reside in Arnold, MD with my 4 children and lovely wife of 13 years. My full time occupation is a senior sales engineer in the electrical service industry.
I am a rookie investor looking to buy my first property. I work in analytics for BiggerPockets.