Lifelong builder,and we know how that market is right now. Graduated from Lehigh U.'79. Right out of college I entered the real estate business. Initially we bought smaller parcels and developed them but in the late 90s and early 2000 we were buying large tracts and developing it for new homes. I feel at this stage of my life this business...
I’m a community loving, family-oriented, gadget geek with an obsession with real estate to be direct and short. Professionally I’ve been in technology sales since 2001. My love for helping by providing solutions is what drove my success. As you’ll see on my LinkedIn profile
Once I’ve...
CIO for a Medical Device Business, Multi-Family Syndicator, Investor, and Podcaster located in the Philadelphia, PA area. We have been investing in Real Estate since 2007 since the purchase of our first home and began 'house hacking'. Active as both a GP/LP. Currently pursuing value-add Class B/C multi-family apartments in emerging areas...
I am currently a real estate investor and agent.
My wife and I got involved in real estate in 2017 after making it a goal to househack one property per year. Fast forward 6-7 years, we have acquired ~12 doors this way!
Outside of real estate, I am mostly focused on being a great father to my toddler daughter. When I have some...
Always looking for more properties!
Real Estate Goals:
2017 - closed and sold 6 flips.
2018 - closed and sold 9 flips.
2019 - YTD we have sold 10 flips and we're on track to complete 16-17.
2020 Goals - 25 flips | 12 wholesale deals | 4 rental properties
Hi, my name is Marie Fries and I’m from Whitman, Mass (home of the Toll House Cookie {aka- chocolate chip cookie}) and been a BP member since April 2018. I’m one of those “Getting a Late Start in Life with Real Estate”; I’ve had an interest the Real Estate Market and Investing off and on for several years and tried a few times to get started...
Founder of SureLI Insurance Agency and shareholder of Life, Inc. Retirement Services.
Services include:
- Design insurance policies for RE Investors to fund future RE projects.
- Administer Self-Directed 401(k) Plans.
- Design custom 401(k) & other retirement plans for high-income entrepreneurs, RE investors &...
I have a small construction trucking business and work primarily in the New Bedford area.
With 2 kids and a beautiful wife, I only have time to work, go to church and spend time with my family. Real estate investing is my answer to the question: "how can I spend more time with my family?" In 2018 I have taken more weeks of vacation then ever before. In 2019 I spent even more time with family travelling and enjoying new places...