I was a landlord for over 16 years (until October 2019), when I sold my rental properties because I co-founded a technology company. The technology company I co-founded is thriving and I am still a principal investor in it. But I needed to make a transition back to corporate and as such, I want to get back into real estate investing. When I...
Hi! I'm new to the real estate investing game and got drawn in when I purchased Brandon Turners book at an Amazon store near my office a few weeks ago. Investing is something I always dreamed about, but never thought I could do while still working a full time gig. This book, the podcast, and now this site seem to be proving that completely...
Michigan native (20+ years), I'm currently working abroad in Sydney, Australia on an international rotation for the next ~2 years. Digital AdTech rep at Google for the last 6 years, and passionate enthusiast of the FIRE personal finance movement/philosophy for that same amount of time. I've been a long time fan of blogs like Mr. Money...
My husband and I are interested in beginning our journey into real estate investing. We are considering single family/multifamily rentals as well as house flipping. We have been talking about this for years and are looking to finally pull the trigger!