Fell into buy and hold investing, and excited to learn more and continue to invest!
Currently own 3 units and closing soon on a 4th that will be for short term AirB&B rental.
Entrepreneur, directly involved in the Real Estate and Financial industry for the past 4 decades.
In 1996 Mr. Martinez founded MoneyOne Mortgage licensed in 5 States funding yearly over $70 million during the mid 2000 with 13 MoneyOne Realty franchise offices.
In 1983 Mr. Martinez was appointed to the United States Senate...
Have you ever had that feeling that you are in the presipice of greatness? I have been feeling that feeling every time I think about Real Estate and possibilities that it brings.
Hello all, I'm a pharmacist in South Florida seeking to expand my horizons. After reading countless books, listening to podcasts and reading the blogs in BP I...