Live in Boston, planning on moving to Florida and telecommuting if my employer agrees
I am a Real Estate Broker located in Columbus Ohio, my primary focus is in real estate investing. I pride myself in helping other investors find and sell investments in the Columbus Market. Everything from locating, due diligence, negotiations and management. Being an investor myself I love to help others, new or seasoned grow their...
I have worked in the Mortgage Industry as a mortgage banker, looking to invest in rentals through turnkey, partners, or realtors.
Building systems around managing my time, energy, and recent purchases are the current works in progress. I'm at a crossroads trying to focus more effort working on the business then in the business. I've had a little success over the past year partnering with investors to purchase a 5 unit, duplex, 6 unit, and a single family home for me...
Portfolio listed below... Learn more and more year by year... I am no expert, but welcome any and all questions thrown my way!
Property #1:
Location: Plymouth, CT
Closing: April 29, 2019
Units: 4
Property #2:
Location: New Britain, CT
Closing: April 7, 2020
Units: 2
Property #3:
I just entered the real estate world. I may be young, but I figure this is the best time to get in the game, so 10 years down thd, I can be an expert. I'm not too stubborn to realize that I'm going to need as much help as possible if you have any advice to would be much appreciated.
I live in Australia but have been listening to the podcast for quite a while now and am have become
Extremely interested in the way real estate works over there. Trying to learn as much as possible at the moment. Happy to share information with anyone interest in Australian real estate.
Lauren Davis is a Commercial Real Estate Broker who is licensed in Virginia and California. As an experienced Real Estate Investor and Commercial Broker with eXp Real Estate InvestHer group, Lauren is driven by her passion to bring awareness to Military Service Members and Investing. She takes pride in providing the best information about...