Newer to BiggerPockets, Father of 4, Physician, but passionate about real estate and meeting new people
Very new to real estate, recently attended Than Merrill's 3 day seminar in Charlotte was very excited about what I heard. Lack of funds prevented me from joining but I'm looking to get educated and start investing.
My name is Joseph Koenig, along with my delightfully profane wife Hollen we make up the dynamic duo often referred to as “Team Awesome”. We do a wide mix of things up to and including: Cooking for celebrities/billionaires/dignitaries in Aspen, Colorado, NFIP certified flood insurance adjusters, cyrtpo currency day traders, authors,...
I am new to real estate investing but I am interested in passive income opportunities. I have not purchased properties yet, but my goal is purchased first mental property in 2024.
Well in a nut shell I am a 28 year old serial entrepreneur with experience in various different industries such as the Hospitality,Automotive and most importantly Real Estate. Each industry in which I've devoted my time, effort and energy to, I've started out at entry level positions, but rose to high level positions in short spans of time...
My goal is to Purchase more Property by helping Owner's and Investors build wealth through real estate acquisitions, reliable property management, development, and maintenance. "A Wise Man Passes Wealth Unto His Children's Children". While not everyone thinks this way; Align me with those that are like minded and I will be the Lion and the...