48 year old, Single, Father of 1 daughter.
Trying to self teach myself everything I can learn about creative real estate investing.
Hey everyone! I’m a local investor/realtor here in Central Indiana. My wife and I run our real estate team and invest in small multi families mostly. We are one of the top teams in Indy and love working with experienced investors. We are here to help and look forward to meeting you!
Top 1% Licensed Realtor in...
Active Duty Air Force and personal finance nerd... I love investing and want to learn all I can about RE.
I am working as a financial auditor in PwC for last 10 years. However, my real interest is in trying my best to make a positive change in the lives of as many people as I can. I haven't achieved this yet, and frankly speaking, I recently realized that working in such a 'wall street' type firm won't take me very close to my goal.
I'm a renter at a apartment complex trying to get info on renters and renting clients that fail to pay.