I am currently an entrepreneur with a trading business
Always wanted to take real estate as the business.
I own some rentals and I have money in the stock market. I am not happy and not confident that I will make a small return on my stock so I am considering REIT since they pay a dividend
Hi, my wife and I are real estate investors with creative marketing and we usually find 5 to 6 really good deals per month. We personally get involved with 1 or 2 of them while the others we are unable to put in our portfolio but are really good deals. We are constantly looking for equally motivated investors to potentially team-up with.
My partner and I have flipped and held investment properties for over 15 years and was very successful, unfortunately I was greatly affected by the turnabout of the housing market and stepped away for a while. Now I'm ready to get back in the game better than before.
Market Researcher, Investor, Entrepreneur and Internet Marketing Consultant Seeking to Connect with Individuals and Small Businesses to Network, Create Relationships, Develop Partnerships, and Secure Joint Venture Deals for Residential and Commercial Real Estate.