I started as a multifamily real estate investor in San Diego, now investing in Memphis for better cashflow. Transitioning from a career as a real estate attorney to a full time real estate investor.
I began as a nurse. Then a licensed agent. Now i only work for myself. My houses, my schedule, my life, my rules. This is how I believe it should be.
1/27/2020 Update: I moved back to Fort Wayne, IN in July of 2019. My main focus has been on growing my clientele for property management. As of the new year, I have partnered with Vicki Roy on property management. We have turned ourselves into a full service company where we help out of state clients find on and off market deals, project...
Grew up around the chicagoland area mostly chicago heights and northwest indiana to be exact. Recovering NFL fanatic and Automotive Mechanic. Ok so maybe not so much recovered on the automotive side it's still a passion but best left as a hobby.
Went to a trade school in california after getting out of the navy to learn how to do...
I'm a licensed architect aggressively pursuing financial independence through the long term holding of rental properties.
Currently, I'm saving around 65% of my income through a combination of frugal living and simple taste in recreation. All of this money goes towards paying off my student loans and my investments. Keeping the gap...
I'm a German who somehow ended up in north Texas and loves the Dallas Metroplex.
Grew up learning from my parents the basics on real estate investing.
After working in Christian Ministry and then in the corporate world, I had a change of heart and decided to work full time in real estate, to be in full alignment with my family,...