I am beyond happy to have found Bigger Pockets! It is such an invaluable resource with so much to offer!!
Real estate investor - My husband and I currently have 9 of our own rental units in LaSalle County, Illinois.
Real Estate Broker - I specialize in working with other investors, both residential and commercial....
I'm a buy and hold investor who started out by house hacking. Currently at 4 homes/6 doors and a mixture of LTR/MTR/STR
Brandon Hershey
-30 Years Old
-I have a 26 units at the moment
-I work in the field of insurance
-I absolutely love real estate and have read over 100 books on the subject
-Bigger Pockets has the best Podcast:-)
Graduated from the University of MN with a degree in economics. I have a beautiful wife and two wonderfull daughters. Long term I am interested in buy and hold. To get myself to that position I have decided to work in the real estate industry. I have been a loan officer for a few years and just recently obtained my WI Real Estate broker...
I'm Pancham and my mission is to help high paid professionals who are making good income by trading their time, to have their money work for them and create passive streams of income. I have a podcast on this topic and you can check it out here - www.TheGoldCollarInvestor.com
I am also a Principal of Mesos Capital where we manage 32M...
I am currently a Buy and Hold investor working on expanding my rental portfolio. Excited to meet other real estate investors with whom to work and enjoy this crazy adventure of investing together.