Active in Mexico since 1990. Both owned businesses and consulted with clients/manufactures in establishing businesses in Mexico. I am a REGISTERED REALTOR in the state of Sonora (They require licencing) and a founding member of the AMPI Chapter here in Puerto Penasco. My web sight is
I'm a San Antonio real estate agent specializing in residential sales and property investing.
Developer and Investor on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Specializing in MULT-FAMILY, AFFORDABLE TOWNHOMES, CONDOS and SINGLE FAMILY HOMES. All my developments are geared towards investors especially those looking for GO ZONE.
Full-time commercial appraiser; part-time land broker; aspiring developer/investor
I'm an IT grunt right now, but have gone back to school to get a more specialized degree - there just isn't enough money coming in to raise two teenagers on one income. But I've always dreamed of being a real estate investor. I have an undergrad degree in economics, but I never had enough money to get started, and I never had the confidence...