I’m 30 years old and work as an operating engineer for local 15 in nyc. I’ve been in construction for almost 12 years, and as much as I like to tell myself I love what I do, truth is I don’t. Waking up at 4 and not getting home until 6 has become dreadful. I stumbled across bigger pockets podcasts and it’s opened me up to world of...
Hey im oliver im 26 years old with some college experience but due to a lack of intrest and a lack of money i am now working at one of the greatest wood plants in the world, but here's thething, i dont want to be standing on my feet for twelve hours a day when im older,though i have a great job,it does get old and so will i so i am eager to...
I’m a landscape contractor in North County San Diego. My company is Gang Green Landscaping and I specialize in full service landscaping, from design to full installation, including both hardscape and softscape.
I’m extremely eager to get into the investing side of real estate and would be grateful to work with investors helping them...
I am interested in multifamily unit investments throughout Virginia and the DMV. Happy to connect and share resources.
I was a licensed builder 1991 to 2001 and my business literally went up in smoke really one morning by some would be thieves after a tough few months in the business… I decided I needed a change and started selling cars to give me some income until I figured out why I was going to do... I sold 17 cars in my first two weeks and got hooked!...
Real estate investor situated in the Cheyenne, WY area primarily focused on residential properties. Background in tech, but a passion in finance and investing.
I'm a real estate from investor in New Jersey. My wife and I flip properties in the South Jersey Market. We are looking to connect with other SERIOUS investors in our market, no daisy chains or tire kickers.