I am brand new to all of this, it is a change in career direction, and I am interested in finding out as much as possible about Real Estate Investing. What information is correct and what are the scams, so I can make the best decision on how and where to proceed.
Real Estate Investing 15yrs
Partner of Ibuyhouses-usa.com
Invest in Homes $400,000 in up
always looking for more partners
owner of moneypool-investors network
Business and Life coach of TCOE
email address:[email protected]
The Sewell Family of Dealerships is just that - a family. And a remarkably functional one, at that. The secret is in how we treat others (and each other). We don't view ourselves as a car business so much as a service business. 17815 North Frwy Houston, TX 77090. http://audinorthhouston.sewell.com/