I am presently employed as Legal Assistant in Legal Division of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office (a government office) in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, for sixteen (16) years now. I am expert in Lands considering that my work in DENR involves drafting of Decisions in land cases. I am also a lecturer to my...
By profession, I am an engineer, thus trained in numbers and sound logic which applies to real estate. I also am founder of my company and started it from scratch. I am professional in the true sense, detailed, yet opened minded and not afraid of new ventures thinking out of the box along the way. I have owned a few single family homes and am...
Atualmente muitas empresas e grandes escritórios estão optando por parte de seus funcionários trabalharem em casa e deixar de ir para a empresa ou escritório, a Tocco Móveis além de ser bem menos estressante para o funcionário, que não precisa acordar mais tão cedo e pegar todo trânsito do mundo para chegar no trabalho ainda é bem lucrativo...
I was a successful business owner with my family for many years until a corporate takeover which forced us to relinquish our territory for a settlement.
Since then we have tried other businesses then the family broke apart and we went our separate ways. I started I'm then workforce at the age of 30 and had never worked for someone but...
I am a petroleum engineer by trading and passionate about real estate. In the past, I have done a couple of flips, but now looking forward to learning more about creating wealth through real estate investing.
I'm a well trained real estate entrepreneur willing to connect with real estate investors so we can form a strong relationship doing deals. Btw who's willing to benefit more from my projects?
I am concentrating in buying and holding any opportunities in the group home, elder day care and assisted living areas of commercial real estate