Certified Architect, Licensed Structural Engineer, Real Estate Investor, Future Developer, Husband, Dad.
I am actively engaged in real estate investment with 14 years of experience in residential rehabs for single and multi-family buy and holds as well as fix and flips, 14 years experience as a Landlord, 7 years owning my own...
I work as IT Engineer and badly wants to get away from IT world and to become a full-time RE investor.
The Real Estate Industry is changing. Every facet of being a successful Real Estate Investor is becoming increasingly more complex and requires a team of experienced professionals as part of your team. What we have done is created that core team for our clients that they can depend on throughout their business. Our companies work seamlessly...
I exist to serve the highest needs of others so that all those around me will feel safe, secure, and inspired to live a life of duty and service. I strive every day to lead an unreasonable life of selfless service, gratitude, and honor. It is my prayer that I will inspire others to do the same. I am what I am, and I seek to share my both my...
My husband and I have been real estate entrepreneurs for 28 years. We have touched every aspect of the business: wholesaling, fix and flip, lease options, rent to own, owner's financing, etc, name it. Our strength is to find creative ways to help sellers, buyers and other real estate entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams.