I've always had an interest in real estate but have never done anything about it. I'm ready to start now but not sure what the best avenue is, but I'm excited. I'm hoping by January of 2016 I will have gathered enough knowledge and funds to get my dream off the ground.
I aim to create a stable financial future using the many varied methods of Real Estate investing. That future will be created not only for me and my family but others that I come in contact with. As I see it, REI will become the soapbox that I will stand upon and help create wealth for others.
Olivier Den Hartigh is CEO of Word of Mouse Computer and considered an expert in Computer Science. For more information on Word Of Mouse Computer, visit: http://www.wordofmousecomputer.ca
Word of Mouse Computer is a computer repair and virus removal shop located in Calgary. We have a large experience and knowledge in PC repair and...