As a Licensed Real Estate Agent and Investment Advisor, Erick brings nearly two decades of professional business, real estate and transactional expertise to the table.
F.H.U.R COMPLEX Stanisław Sawicki 33-300 Nowy Sącz ul. Lwowska 53 TEL. 18 441 66 99
Dako Complex to nie tylko okna, rolety w Nowym Sączu to także bogata oferta parapetów do naszych okien, rolet wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych, bram garażowych, a nawet materiałów wykończeniowych takich jak: kleje, zaprawy,...
At an early age, I learned that education is essential to get to where you want to be. I’m from a family of educators. Constant exposure to education has instilled two important principles in me. First, constantly learning is really important. Second, applying what you learn by taking action is necessary to make a positive impact.