Knowledgable Broker Associate/Realtor with LIVE Urban Real Estate in Denver, CO who specializes in residential re-sale, as well as the home purchase process within the Denver Metro/Boulder area. Energetic individual with a proven sales record, and the ability to achieve outstanding results for each client.
I am a real estate investor on the West Coast, California to be exact. I am located geographically in Monterey County. I bring solutions to homeowners who want to solve their problems that they are in.
I work with other investors in networking and help market their properties. I'm looking to network with other investors. There...
I am 10 years into my career a s a commercial real estate agent. I only do commercial.
I have been a Residential investment and Commercial lender for three and a half years. I currently work with First South Mortgage. I have two daughters and am a single dad.
Are you looking to Buy or Sell in beautiful Morris County, New Jersey?
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At, our professionals will work closely with you when the need for fast cash arises. For those holding private mortgage notes from the sale of their previous residence and needing an immediate lump sum of...
I am currently buying 3-4 houses each month and would like to buy more. Please feel free to email me your wholesale deals.
[email protected]
I also buy apartment buildings.
If you have a savings account or an IRA that is not earning you 11% - you need to call me. Matt Skinner