Very motivated professional. Love to learn and meet others with the same interests in real estate investing.
Interested in networking and community. Currently searching for developable land in northern Colorado, southern Wyoming, and various counties in Florida.
Licenses Florida Realtor®️
Michael Saunders & Company
1200 S McCall Rd
Englewood Fl 34223
What's up guys! I am real estate agent in the Metro Atlanta area. Real estate has always been a passion of mine. As I watch this city flourish, I feel obligated to be right by its side. So it's safe to say I am in love with my city.
As I continue to submerge myself deeper into the industry I find new interest. Currently, my focus is...
Living in Austin since 2008, seen neighborhood after neighborhood change right before my eyes. As I see our personal home's value begin to rise in leaps and bounds - I decided now is the time to jump in.
I want to build passive streams of income, and rental property seems like a great place to start.