I am the owner of, Southern Specialty Properties, a private equity firm that focuses on real estate investments across the US. We have a committed group of investors that provide us with the capital to seek real estate assets in a range of markets and then turn around to make them available to the everyday investor.
I'm a local firefighter who was prior duty military, lived all over the country and have a beautiful family of five. I've lived in northern Utah since 2007.
My name is Dustin and I am 27 years old. I have always had an interest in cars as my main hobby. If it has wheels and an engine I'm there lol. I am married to a beautiful woman named Jessica and we have no children at this point in our lives. We both love to travel more than anything. That is our main passion in life.
I am 26 and I am looking to learn more about how to become a well educated real estate investor.