My name is Brande Webb and I own a small property management company in New Port Richey. My husband also has his building contractors license.
My name is Ethan and I am a nineteen year old student attending UCR. I have grown up in the real estate industry. With currently three years in the business, I have made real estate my passion and I will use higher education to funnel my pursuit of it.
I am 28 years old and live in Houston, TX. My background is in marketing and communications. I love to travel, enjoy politics, trying new food and learning. Some would classify me as a "dreamer". I am a pet parent to a sheltie/shepherd mix.
Hello, my name is Joseph Copeland and I am a local small time real estate investor hear in Northwest FL. My wife, Brianna, and our two kids, Joseph Allen Jr. and Emmaleigh Lynn, live in Freeport, FL on Lagrange Bayou.
I am a diesel mechanic by trait who found a whole new world in the oil field while going through College at LBWCC in Opp...
As a full time Realtor® who has serviced the Antelope Valley for over 15 years and will be here for many more. The longevity and confidence in my career comes from my real estate services to many wonderful buyers and sellers, and their recommendations to others that result in repeat and referral business that keeps me productive and...