Being a fifth generation DC metro area resident gives me a strong foundation on the unique transient qualities of our market. I specialize in helping out of town buyers/investors by using technology such as Periscope. This technology allows me to preview, answer any questions live, and eliminate stress for the out of town buyer
Certified Athletic Trainer currently working in orthopedic sales. Looking to grow and generate wealth through cash flowing real estate.
We just moved to the Charlotte area 2 months ago from New Jersey for my wife's job. I had to quite my job at an Engineering firm to move. I've been wanting to start working in real estate for a long time. I figure this is God's way of letting me know it's time.
Born and raised in Hawai'i. I love outdoor activities like surfing, hiking, and swimming. I Crossfit 3 times a week and Jiu-jitsu. I hold a private pilots license. I manage a restoration company in Hawai'i and will soon have my general contractors license.