President - Able Land & Homes, LLC
Land Specialist. RV Parks, Marinas, MHPs, Residential
Real Estate Investing has been a side job or hobby for many years. Since taking an early retirement buyout from a telecommunications company after 24 years, I am focusing full time on building the empire.
My wife Lisa and I have been married for almost 19 years. We have a 16 year old son, Scott. Scott has big plans for college and...
I've been in real estate for 21 yrs and an investor for 20 yrs. My focus is on buying and operating Manufactured Housing Parks in the Southeast.
Charles Dobens - The Multifamily Attorney
Boston-based attorney Charles Dobens teaches a step-by-step program that shows new investors to seasoned professionals how to become successful in multifamily real estate the RIGHT way!
Charles dreamed of investing in multifamilies and apartment buildings in order to achieve financial...
19 years in construction
(14 years as a contractor)
AAS in Business Technology (2018)
Married @ 18 w/2 daughters
OIF Vet 2009-2010
Lived in the Ocala, Florida area for 20+ years. Multi-faceted work history and skills. I have worked in several fields, owned a few business endeavors, and always looking to increase income. Owned a landscaping/yard renovation business, minor amount of home repair experience, assistant manager for sheep farm, owned a vertical tilapia...