By Night: Multi-Family real estate investor and asset manager, hopeful future multi-family syndicator
I am an Insurance agent with Farmers and raising 4 kids. I invested 16 years ago then quit to raise a family. I love to cook, sew,paint and anything creative as well as travel.
I was in the construction business for about 27yrs until the market crashed and I lost my concrete company. Took a job in North Dakota, like everyone else, and made alot of money. The down side is the hours to do it(not uncommon to work 120+ in a wk or at least 90).
Keith Koons is an online marketing expert that works for Next Day Flyers. His real passion, however, lies within the real estate market and the near-endless potential that comes from smart investments.
I am currently an Area Director for Big Brothers Big Sisters here in Oklahoma.
I have always had a fascinatyion with real estate but never had the opportunity or never made to opportunity to start.