Young hard working male proud father that takes care of a family of four.. Alway been interested in fixs and flips rehabing homes. I enjoy working with my hands and tired of working barely enjoying life cuz im always paying the bills and have little left over. Jus been to second to jump out in the field blind and no experience without a couch...
I'm a young man in my early thirties and interested in earning a passive income from real estate. I want to learn as much as I can before I venture into that field and I hope your site could be of help
My wife and I both have full time jobs but have always been interested in real estate. We have multiple investment properties around the Lexington, SC area and we're looking to continue to invest.
My name is Meikel Moak.
I moved to the United States 13 years ago and I'm from Europe Germany .
I bought a piece of property about four years ago from hot to rehab and to rent to a divorce I had to move into it .
I had a real estate license when I was a young man because my father was a broker and I always thought it would be fun to flip houses. That was 40 years ago.