Save your money. Treat people with a bit of kindness. Work hard. Buy as much property as you can when you're young.
These were the words of advice my grandfather invested in me, knowing that he may not be around to see the return on his investment.
It's what he did and it's what I am just now starting to do. My wife and I closed...
I’m an Agent/Investor, EXP Realty, that loves everything about real estate. Interested in helping investors find off market deals and to increase my portfolio in fix/flips, single, and multi-family properties.
I grew up in New Jersey, and am currently employed in Riverdale, NY, as a teacher and mentor. I'm 35 years old and have been teaching, mentoring and coaching for the last decade. A few years ago I discovered the world of finance, and started "Buffett style" value investing in the stock market. I'm looking to start investing in real estate,...