I have built, bought and sold several personal homes. I have also sold a few commercial property and industrial facilities for my company and leased and sub let office space. I currently own an ocean front investment property that we rent out and occasionally use. I am interested in increasing my real estate portfolio.
Hi my name is Andrew i'm 25 years of age working full time in the food manufacturing industry.I stop and take a look at what i do for a living, and how hard i have to work in order to put food on my table. I say to myself that i don't want to do this for the rest of my life so i decided to self educate my self with the help of other...
I am a native of Roanoke, VA. I have been a real estate investor since 2003. I am also a professional forester and a licensed real estate agent.
Hi! Whitney here. I am 29 years old, wife of a carpenter and mother to 4 lively little crumbsnatchers. I have a passion for crafting and a strong desire to begin flipping houses! My husband, Jo, owns a construction business and we are gearing up to add house flipping to the menu.
I am currently interesting in buying an investment property where I can eventually quite my job and focus more on my child