I am part of a Large Grain Farming Operation in SouthEast Michigan. In off season I build Networks that work together for the benefit of all involved.
I'm currently building a Network in the Great Lakes area that will connect business that wish to Market their Goods and Services through Smartphones. This is for Brick and Motar as...
Work full time with spouse working part time. renting one property with interest to increase passive income to offset loss in total house income. Increase in love of housing market for self and helping others
Married Management Consultant that owns one single family rental property in Westlake Village, CA, and our own home. Wanting to invest to do some improvements in the rental home valued at $675K
Just starting to dabble in the real estate investing market. Always had a desire but not the time. Interested in making a commitment to providing value housing for families while increasing the value of my net worth. I am in a position to be able to handle some of the headaches that come along with renting while utilizing many of my...