Conscious investing is the next phase in evolution of investing. By infusing presence into the 'how' of the process of investing, we change the quality of our actions, and they become skillful action.
Bringing wisdom into investing.
Hello everyone, I am a newbie Real Estate investor located in the Saint Louis/Springfield, Missouri areas. I am currently enrolled at Missouri State University, and I have been doing wholesaling on the side.
I am a buy-and-hold investor and software developer in the Tampa Bay area. Currently house hacking a duplex.
New to BiggerPockets community! Been investing in the stock market for some time but I've come to realize that I dislike investments that I have absolutely no control over. Hence, my THRIVING interest in REAL ESTATE!! My goal is to build a portfolio of long term buy and hold rentals. I am interested in OOS markets where the price points are...
I'm a Colorado native looking to dive into this world of Real Estate investing. I fight crime by day and look for new ways to invest by night. I'm looking to hopefully acquire my first rental property by the end of the year! I want to buy and hold mostly but definitely open to fix-flip if a good deal arises. Any pointers or advice is much...