I am a nineteen year old Agronomy major at Texas A&M. I first became interested in real estate investing when I was in high school. Our economics had us play Cashflow and after that, I was pretty much hooked.
I am a part-time wholesaler in Pittsburgh, and a full-time dad. I am in the process of wholesaling one house a month so that my wife can stay at home with my five children. That is my short term goal, my long term goal is to live life with out worrying about when the next check is coming.
If looking for a reliable agent, that has the investor mindset, look no further!
I am Real State Agent with over 6 years of experience interested in working with investors, and home owners in Jackson County, MI also I am Completely fluent in English and Spanish.
As an investor I am currently in my second live-in flip. I have...
Born and raised in Ogden Utah. I lived in Los Angeles for a few years and met a substantial amount of real estate investors. They shared their love for real estate and planted a huge desire in me to learn about it and begin investing at a young age!
No Experience in real estate yet. Currently going to college and have...
While most real estate investment gurus fall into the category of “those who can’t do teach,” Christian is an expert at both real estate investing and training. Christian is the real thing-a real estate investor with a proven track record for consistently earning a profit in the highly competitive and often unpredictable real estate market....
I go to the University of Cincinnati, I am a pitcher on the baseball team. I am very interested in learning more about real estate and want to be able to prepare myself for opportunities during, or after college with real estate.