11 Single Family Homes in Livonia, MI.
4 Single Family Homes in Allen Park, MI.
1 SFR in Nashville, TN
18 Multi Family Apartment units in Royal Oak and Ferndale, MI
Invested in 9 multi-family syndications in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
Insurance Agency Owner
Moved back home to Atlanta and now it's time to get this real estate situation in order.
Construction Manager interested in investing in real estate, Like buy and hold for long term but would love to get into fix and flipping properties.
I'm 24 years old I been interested in the real estate industry since I was 17 and a freshman in college. I currently looking for a mentor to help me get started in my journey as a real estate investors.
I've just turned 40, have 3 kids and a wife whom I love very much and we currently live in Sydney Australia.
My day job, Im a Mortgage Banker with Flat Branch Home Loans. This gives me some insight into the market and how things are trending. I am newer to real estate investing buy highly motivated to make a big impact in a short amount of time. I have flipped 2 houses and have more on the line. I would like to flip homes to fund larger buy and...
Broker/Owner at Killington Pico Realty, in Killington, VT, specializing in resort and second home properties. Investment objectives in the vacation market are based largely on lifestyle, not cash flow, but can still be rewarding on both a personal and financial level.
Starting out in Real Estate as an investor but not as a hobby. RE has been a passion and an interest for me my entire life. I am finally in a position to buy 1-2 investment properties. I also own my home, a co-op in NYC. My other passion in life is figure skating, I want to retire from my day job of Senior Accountant (at a real estate...
At Ben Grotzke Real Estate,my focus is on the clients. You are the reason I come to work each day, and it is your real estate goals and dreams I strive to achieve.
As a realtor, my relationships are partnerships. I listen to my clients, and together, we establish your goals, draw out the road-map, and realize the success together....