Welcome Bigger-Pockets Family,
I am 23 years old. Currently I am a United States Merchant Marine, Engineer,. I travel all over the world on commercial cargo vessels about 8-10 months out of the year. I am aspiring to become a full-time Real Estate Investor, specializing in Rental Properties. (B.R.R.R.R. Strategy) My partner and I are...
My paasion is to help people realize their dream of homeownership. We no that the times were living in many people are faced with job loss or some type of hardship that will cause many homeowners to face foreclosure. So to better assist this group of people I've obtain CDRS and SFR certifications which will enable me to assist homeowners who...
Im from southern califrnia, Im a 45 yrs. old male. I will like to learn more about real estate private lenders.
I'm a creative real estate consultant specializing in Under-Valued properties in Bellingham. Knowledgeable in finance, notes, and 1031 exchanges. In my free time I like to travel, surf, bike, read, & dork out.