Hoping to do my first rental property soon. I’ve been trying to pay down student loans and save up cash. Should be in a good position to start in the next 6 months. I’m a musician by trade but want to become financially independent through real estate investing.
We have been married 32 years and are hoping to retire soon to spend more time with the people we love (our grandkids). We enjoy the outdoors, entertaining and traveling.
I'm a 10-year finance professional who is finally getting started doing what I'm passionate about: real estate! My focus is flipping character homes, while also buying and selling as an agent, and owning rental properties.
Full time beekeeper. Married to my dream girl in July of 2013. Nearing 30 :/
Multifamily Investor
I have been investing in real estate for over 7 years. In the past year I have been a general partner in 4 large apartment syndications. 2021 is starting off strong and we plan to close several more this year. We are looking at B&C class 100-400 units or 15MM- 50MM purchase price. Always happy to network!